Biking to Bodhgaya – Day 4 to 12
Day 4 – March 13, 2021, 82.62 km
Summerland – north towards Peachland, then back to Summerland, Prairie Valley, golf course. Weather is nice, 10C, cool north wind, lots of winter gravel. Summerland roads are the worst yet! Potholes, gravel, dangerous!! At least this slowed the vehicle traffic.
Click here to follow Mike on Strava
Day 5 – March 15, 2021 – 48.87 km
Ride to Kettle Valley Railroad north of Naramata. Rode into the north wind along Naramata Road. Traffic was busy and my Garmin radar was useful. Kept heading north past “painted face” “Indian rock” cattle guard, 5 km.
Click here to follow Mike on Strava
Day 6 – March 16, 2021 – 76.72 km
Sunny 5 C strong north wind. South McLean Creek road, Oliver Ranch Road, Hwy 97, Okanagan Prison and home.
Great tail wind down . . . Cool head wind home.
Click here to follow Mike on Strava
Day 7 – March 17, 2021 – 78.2 km (462 completed; 12,538 to go)
Roger Pentecost and I headed out this morning for our first ride together. Roger is 76 years old and I am 70 years . . . so we banged off a total of our combined ages. 156 km combined mileage on the 2 DŌST Kope’s for the day. We traveled s/b along the old railbed from Penticton to OK Falls. Beautiful along the water’s edge but still a light skiff of overnight ice on the calm waters. Then Oliver Ranch road to Vasseau Lake and Hwy #97 to Seacrest Road. The climb to the rolling hills was significant . . . 10% – 13 % in most places. Stopped for a short break at the top, then beautiful rolling easy hills. Past White Lake Observatory, St. Andrews by the Lake and home along the highway. 3 hours 40 minutes.
Click here to follow Mike on Strava
Day 8 – March 18, 2021 – 64 km (526 km completed; 12,474 km to go)
Shingle Creek Road is an old trail that runs parallel with Hwy 97 from Penticton to Summerland. The road starts as soft 2” clay powder until you hit the 13% climb all within the first km after turning off Green Mountain Road from Penticton. After the short climb the road is a typical dirt road with lots of potholes, washboard and horse poo. A wide hilly valley, lots of Ponderosa pine. About 30 km into the ride, I veered right instead of left. After about 40 minutes my phone rang. It was my wife asking if I was lost. She had been watching me on Strava . . . lol. I headed back and continued on the right road. The road deteriorated significantly for the next 10 km dropping from the high plain. Snow, ice and large mud holes made it tough. My rear wheel lock popped and “clunk” the wheel dropped from it’s dropout. I saw some big cougar tracks and lots of bear droppings. With the road in the condition it was in I would have been easy prey. Got home muddy, bloody, and exhausted! Tough ugly ride! Casualties . . . mirror snapped off while flipping bike over to repair rear wheel spindle.
Click here to follow Mike on Strava
Day 9 – March 19, 2021 – 49 km (575 km completed; 12,425km to go)
Easy day to Crescent Beach in Summerland, then easy ride around town and home. Good visit with some friends. Strong south wind but mild. Traffic on the highway was busy, Friday afternoon. Legs were tired this morning but fine when I finished for the day.
Day 10 – March 20 – 0 km (575 km completed; 12,425 km to go)
Woke up this morning and was sore all over. Decided to wait till after lunch. Finally went down stairs to get my riding stuff together and decided to take a quick 10 minute nap. Ya right! I listened to my body and took the day off. Tomorrow is supposed to rain so maybe an unexpected 2 days off?
Day 11 – March 22, 2021 – 10 km (585 km completed: 12415 km to go)
Started out on a windy cool afternoon. . . then the rain and snow in the hills. Returned home and had a coffee.
Day 12 – March 23, 2021 – 102 km -(687 km completed; 12313 km to go)
Headed southbound along the channel to get the blood flowing. The days off have healed my tired body from the Shingle Creek road, last week. Different set of muscles used on a seldom used back road. Potholes, water traps, ice and snow and slippery mud and gravel makes you work hard. That’s why today I settled for a 100 km ride south to Oliver and back home. Brilliant sun and in the early afternoon warmth made it a pleasant ride. Traffic was a little lighter than usual. This highway south is quickly becoming a favourite. Wide shoulders, Lots of interesting stops if you desire. One of these days I will do the Ironman Canada loop with the DOST. 180 km will more than test the batteries.