Accomplishments To Date
The Unicorn School
- Click here for details
Medical Checkup Days
- Ayurvedic and western medicine physicians
- Blood pressure for seniors, basic physical checkup on kids, mothers and others
Dental Days
- Toothbrushes and paste for the children and instruction on hand washing, toiletry, etc.
- Dental check ups when available.
Water Pumps
- The first donation we made way back in 2018 was $364. Canadian dollars for Amar to purchase and have a pump installed in a local village where their old well had dried up. The women had been carrying daily water from the river. They would carry the pots over the sand to the water where they were filled and then carried back home. They were very excited and thankful to the Unicorn Project for this help.
- Since then we have through generous donations supplied 3 other water pumps.
New Transportation
- In January 2019 we received a wonderful donation to purchase a small motor scooter. During my first trips to Bodhgaya I couldn’t believe just how useful the scooter has become. The boys take good care of the transport.
- One day we are hoping to purchase a small bus or large tuk-tuk (electric). This will be essential as we continue to have a soup kitchen in moving the pots, etc. from village to village.
Mike Barrett